Contenu en Anglais

Lighting designer: how to say it in French?

Related words, lighting designer, are not easy to translate in French. Lesson the right translation in this video.

Lighting designer: how to say it in French?

  • Mise en lumière
  • Concepteur lumière
  • Éclairagiste

Review the video to discover the right answer.

Lighting designer book in brief

  • 1,400 words about light designer and building project
  • Translation of the vocabulary used in lighting
  • Bilingual: French and English
  • 160 pages black and white

English review

Architectural Lighting Magazine

Elizabeth Donoff, editor in chief, Architectural Lighting Magazine, « Parlez-vous Éclairage? », July 2016:

« A new books provides French to English translation for lighting terminology. Ever wonder how English lighting vocabulary translates into French? »

Cities & Lighting 

Mark Burton-Page, editor in chief, Cities & Lighting, « French – English Lighting Lexicon », August 2016:

« The new Professional Lighting lexicon by Sophie Caclin is a bilangual glossary that list 1400 words and expressions used by lighting professionals. »

Readership of the professional lighting lexicon

  • Architect, interior architect.
  • Light designer, lighting designer.
  • Manufacturer, installer, distributer.
  • Public and private contracting authorities.
  • Editor, journalist.
  • Translator, copywriter.

Living in Paris, London, New-York, Berlin, Roma, Madrid, Lisbon, Brussels, Amsterdam, Copenhague, Oslo, Helsinki, Warsaw, Budapest, Prague, Istambul, Athens

This two-in-one practical guide is intended for all English and French speaking professionals throughout the world.

Book shipping anywhere in the world

16,00 €

11,99 €

ACE support of the book

Association des Concepteurs lumière et Eclairagistes – ACE

The aim of ACE is to promote light and the profession of freelance lighting designer. The association was set up 20 years ago and has 130 members, 80 of which are lighting designers. It relies on over thirty partners (installers, suppliers and manufacturers) to create an essential synergy between project design, lighting equipment and implementation.

ACE allows fellowship between professionals of the trade, essential for creating a common culture, the long-term existence of the profession and also for ensuring the future of young designers and the development of skills faced with the energy transition and new societal challenges.

Backed by a solid network, ACE participates in many international events and maintains active links with all players in the lighting sector, planning and construction. It brings together designers who have created benchmark projects, benefitting from an international standing.


  • International Association of Lighting Designers - IALD
  • Chicago, Illinois, États-Unis

Poursuivez votre recherche

Effets lumière Lumière blanche Lumière directe
Techniques d'éclairage Éclairage naturel Éclairage artificiel Éclairage intérieur Éclairage extérieur
Professions Concepteur lumière
Supports Vidéo
Fonction du lieu Édition
Thèmes Média Art lumière Vidéo
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