Il portale della luce : Lighting Academy de Targetti
Je ne peux m’empêcher de dire un mot sur « Il portale della luce », la Lighting Academy de Targetti. La vraie source d’information sur la conception lumière se trouve sur ce site. De nombreux concepteurs référencés, des dossiers ou articles très intéressants, des photos de qualité. Je n’ai toujours rien trouvé de mieux pour l’instant.
Lighting Academy de Targetti : Il portale della luce
« The Portal of Light is the first digital magazine on lighting, created and supported by Targetti Sankey in order to promote a more conscious Culture of Light. Through over 3000 freely accessible web page, it offers information, answer and cues of debate on the universe of artificial daylight. In the portal Lighting Academy, the universe of light – both daylight and artificial light. All that you need to know on lighting, optics, electricity and vision… To illuminate the darkness.
Lighting Academy is a lighting training program promoted by the Targetti Foundation and organized by Targetti Sankey SpA ».
Elisabetta Baldanzi, responsabile, Lighting Academy
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Approfondir le sujet
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