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How to say light fitting (UK), lighting fixture (US) in French?

Two-in-one practical guide is intended for all English and French speaking light fitting (UK), lighting fixture (US) to professionals throughout the world.

How to say light fitting (UK), lighting fixture (US) in French? To make it easier to find words, the book is designed as a bilingual glossary. Words are entered in alphabetical order, in French and English. Watch the video.

Thanks to a thematic index on the vocabulary, it highlights the variety of trades and professions in the lighting sector and their specific vocabulary. The book is pocket sized to allow easy everyday access to the right translation.

Few more words translated: high power LED, bowl, lighting system, data sheet, manufacturer, call for tender, lighting design, user, wavelengh, twilight.

Lighting fixture vocabulary, English-French, extrait du Lexique de l’éclairage professionnel, de Sophie Caclin © Light ZOOM Lumière
5 mots sur la conception lumière en français-anglais, French-English, extrait du Lexique de l’éclairage professionnel, de Sophie Caclin © Light ZOOM Lumière

Professional lighting lexicon, by Sophie Caclin

16,00 €

11,99 €

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